What's happening at Added Value Architecture LTD


Building regulations- may not be the most glamorous aspect of construction, but they are undoubtedly among the most crucial. They ensure the safety, functionality, and sustainability of the structures we build. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of building regulations, shedding light on their significance and why they matter.


The Foundation of Safety

At their core, building regulations exist to guarantee the safety and well-being of all those who will use or interact with a building. They cover various aspects of construction, including structural integrity, fire safety, electrical and gas installations, ventilation, and accessibility. By establishing standards and codes, they help prevent accidents, injuries, and even loss of life.


Sustainability and Environmental Impact

In an era of growing environmental awareness, building regulations also play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability. They set criteria for energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable materials usage. Compliance with these regulations results in more eco-friendly and cost-effective buildings, reducing the carbon footprint of construction projects.

Adherence to building regulations isn't just about legal compliance; it's also about responsible stewardship of the environment. You may wish to go above and beyond the minimum regulation standards and Added Value Architecture would implore you to do so.


Quality Assurance

Meeting building regulations can also enhance the quality of a construction project. By adhering to prescribed standards, builders and architects ensure that the end product meets or exceeds expectations. This, in turn, contributes to the longevity of the structure, saving both time and money in maintenance and repairs.


The Role of Professionals

Understanding building regulations can be complex, as they can vary from one jurisdiction to another. Professionals in the construction industry, such as architects, engineers, and contractors, play a pivotal role in ensuring compliance. They possess the expertise needed to navigate the intricate world of building codes and regulations, thus safeguarding your project.


In Conclusion


Building regulations are not a mere formality but a fundamental pillar of construction. They ensure safety, sustainability, and quality in the built environment. Embracing and understanding these regulations is key to a successful, safe, and environmentally responsible construction project. The next time you embark on a building endeavour, remember that building regulations are your guiding light toward a brighter, safer, and more sustainable future.


Staying Within Budget: How Your Architect Can Help with Your Build Project in Cheshire


Undertaking a construction project in Cheshire, whether it's a new home, renovation, or commercial development, is an exciting endeavor. However, it's essential to keep the project within budget to ensure a successful and stress-free outcome. Hiring an architect can be a valuable asset in this regard. In this blog, we'll explore how your architect can help you stay within budget for your build project in Cheshire.


1. Initial Budget Assessment:

One of the first steps your architect will take is to assess your budget. By understanding your financial constraints and priorities, they can tailor the design to align with your budget from the outset. 


2. Value Engineering:

Architects are skilled in value engineering, which involves finding cost-effective design solutions without compromising on quality or functionality. They can recommend materials, construction methods, and design adjustments that help you achieve your goals within your budget.


3. Detailed Cost Estimations:

Your architect can provide detailed cost estimations at various stages of the project, from conceptual design to construction documents. These estimates allow you to track expenses and make informed decisions about design choices and materials as the project progresses.


4. Contractor Selection:

Your architect can help you select a reputable contractor for your build project in Cheshire. They can recommend contractors who align with your budget and project goals, reducing the likelihood of unexpected cost overruns due to miscommunication or misunderstanding.


5. Avoiding Design Changes:

Design changes made during construction can be costly and disruptive. Architects work to minimize the need for design changes by creating comprehensive construction documents that clearly communicate the project's details to the contractor.


6. Contingency Planning:

While an architect aims to keep your project within budget, unexpected issues can arise during construction. Your architect can work with you to establish a contingency plan, setting aside a portion of the budget for unforeseen circumstances, reducing financial stress if such issues occur.


7. Material Selection:

Architects can guide you in selecting materials that not only fit your design aesthetic of your Cheshire home but also align with your budget. They have extensive knowledge of various materials' costs and performance, helping you make informed decisions.


8. Regular Budget Reviews:

Throughout the project, your architect can conduct regular budget reviews and cost tracking. This ensures that the project stays on budget, and any deviations are promptly addressed and resolved.


9. Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Design:

In Cheshire, sustainability isn't just about being environmentally conscious; it can also lead to cost savings in the long run. Your architect can incorporate sustainable and energy-efficient design principles that may qualify you for incentives and lower operational costs.


In conclusion, hiring an architect for your build project in Cheshire is a wise investment when it comes to staying within budget. Their expertise in design, cost estimation, value engineering, and project management can help you achieve your vision while keeping costs under control.


Turning Dreams into Reality: How an architect and 3D visualization can transform your Project


Cheshire, with its picturesque landscapes and charming towns, is a region that exudes beauty and potential. If you're envisioning your dream project, whether it's a new home, a renovation, or a commercial development in Cheshire, the path to bringing that vision to life often involves two key elements: an architect and 3D visualization.


1. Architectural Expertise:

First and foremost, an architect is a trained and licensed professional with expertise in designing and planning spaces. Their knowledge of architectural principles, building codes, and construction techniques is indispensable when undertaking any construction project. When you hire an architect in Cheshire, you're gaining access to their wealth of experience and creativity.


2. Tailoring Your Vision:

An architect's role is not just to design a building; it's to design your vision. They work closely with you to understand your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. In Cheshire, where architectural styles can range from traditional to contemporary, an architect can help you craft a design that perfectly fits your taste and the local context.


3. Space Optimization:

Architects excel in space optimization. They can take your ideas and translate them into functional layouts that make the most of available space. This is especially important in Cheshire, where properties may have unique characteristics that require creative solutions.



4. Visualizing the Design with 3D Technology:

One of the most exciting advancements in the architectural field is 3D visualization. This technology allows you to see your project come to life before it's even built. It's a powerful tool that complements an architect's expertise and offers several benefits:


Design Iteration:

With 3D visualization, you can explore different design iterations and make changes before construction begins. This flexibility is invaluable in refining your project to perfection.


Cost Savings:

Identifying design issues or changes during the construction phase can be costly. 3D visualization helps minimize surprises, ultimately saving you time and money.


Marketing and Presentation:

If your project involves showcasing your vision to potential investors or clients, 3D visualizations provide a compelling and immersive way to present your ideas and garner support.



5. Peace of Mind:

Combining the expertise of an architect with the visual clarity of 3D technology offers you peace of mind. You can move forward with your Cheshire project confidently, knowing that you have a clear vision and a well-planned design that has been thoroughly vetted and visualized.




Our team member, Michael has completed some beautifully rendered images for the volunteering group Buile Hill Greenhouse Association. A painstaking task to model each individual roof joists and work out the structure from a few simple photographs and satellite imagery.


The historic greenhouse is at risk of demolition, and the team believe it can be saved and reused as a public space for generations to come.


Michael has designed a central hall for community gatherings and volunteer work where people can share skills and meet new people. Hopefully it can become the central hub for the park and allow more volunteers to get involved with maintaining a great historical British park with a rich history.


Here is a little look at the park's history:


1590: Plague victims buried in pit in Hart Hill meadow.

1825: Buile Hill mansion and estate built.

1876: The official opening of Seedley Park on 17 June.

1903: Buile Hill Park officially opened on 22 July.

1906: Buile Hill mansion opened as a Natural History museum.

1909: Two tennis courts built.

1916: Anti-aircraft gun fixed in Buile Hill Park.

1928: Buile Hill conservatory is opened.

1934: An 18 hole pitch and putt course is opened.

1938: The new cafe and the Hart Hill extension are officially opened. The addition of the neighbouring Hart Hill estate created the boundary of the park as it is known today.

1939: The park's office becomes the headquarters of C Flight of the RAF Balloon Barrage.

1940: A bomb is dropped on Buile Hill.

1941: Salford blitz.

1943: Iron fencing along Eccles Old Road boundary removed for manufacture of bullets.

1945: VE Day celebrations take place in Buile Hill. Seedley Park lake is filled in.

1948: Reinstatement of Buile Hill conservatory.

1963: A garden for the blind is officially opened.

1972: Pets corner is opened.

1975: Natural History Museum replaced by Salford Museum of Mining.

1980: Buile Hill mansion listed as a Grade 2 listed building.

2000: Lancashire Mining Museum closes.

2001: Buile Hill Park listed as a Grade 2 designated park.

2008: Planning consent for conversion of mansion development and former stables into 93 bedroom hotel, function rooms and leisure suite.

2013: An archaeological excavation carried out by the Dig Greater Manchester project reveals the location of the former Hart Hill Mansion. Evidence of earlier buildings possibly dating back to the 18th century farmhouse are also found.


 Phase 1 Habitat Mapping


Our team member Michael has completed a certificate in Phase 1 Habitat Mapping and is now suitably qualified and trained to conduct them!


Michael volunteers for local wildlife charities on his days off and has completed several Ecology and Conservation courses. Michael is currently volunteering to help conservtion work at kersal Moor and Little Woolen Moss in Greater Manchester. He is also a Salford Ranger Volunteer and assists with maintaining Buile Hill Park and other locations in Salford that require volunteer assistance. 


A Habitat Survey is an essential preliminary step in land development assessment and often becomes necessary at the request of the local planning authority. This process ensures that any potential development adheres to environmental regulations. The cornerstone of this evaluation is the phase 1 habitat survey, a comprehensive analysis conducted prior to the confirmation and processing of a planning application.


The Phase 1 Habitat Map encompasses a thorough survey of a plot of land, unveiling intricate details about indigenous flora and fauna. More notably, this meticulous investigation unveils potential wildlife habitats such as Badger sets or bat roosts. The survey demands a deep understanding of plant and animal species across the seasons, recognizing that plants can undergo visual transformations throughout the year.


The precision and dependability of these surveys are essential, given their pivotal role in protecting endangered species and upholding legal mandates. Ensuring that accurate and reliable assessments are conducted is incredibly important.


By laying the foundation for subsequent ecological appraisals, the Phase 1 Habitat Survey paves the way for deeper explorations if the need arises. This proactive approach not only safeguards sensitive habitats but also supports informed decision-making in future developmental endeavours.


Michael is also an amateur animal and wildlife photographer. 

You can see some of Michael's Photographs here.



Architecture and Wildlife


The convergence of wildlife and architecture represents a harmonious blend between the natural world and human-designed spaces. This intriguing relationship brings about a myriad of opportunities for both sustainable living and ecological preservation.


Wildlife-Friendly Architecture: The integration of wildlife-friendly features into architectural designs is gaining traction as a way to coexist with the natural environment. Incorporating elements such as bird-friendly glass, green roofs, and nesting habitats for local fauna creates safe havens for wildlife in urban areas. These thoughtful design choices not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of structures but also contribute to the overall health of ecosystems by providing spaces for native species to thrive.


Rewilding Through Design: Rewilding, a practice centred around restoring and expanding natural habitats, is finding its way into architectural design. Homes that incorporate rewilding principles seamlessly weave nature into the built environment. Wildlife corridors, native plant gardens, and rainwater harvesting systems all play their part in creating a sustainable ecosystem that coexists with architectural structures.


A Connection to Nature: Architecture that embraces wildlife also fosters a deeper connection to nature for occupants. Imagine waking up to the soothing sounds of birdsong or gazing out at a flourishing garden right outside your window. These immersive experiences blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces, reminding us of the wonders of the natural world and its importance in our lives.


Sustainability and Balance: The connection of nature and architecture aligns with the broader sustainability movement. By embracing these practices, we promote responsible land use, reduce the carbon footprint of buildings, and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity. This approach represents a positive step towards a more balanced and eco-conscious future.

In essence, wildlife and architecture should no longer be separate entities but partners that seek to create holistic environments for all forms of life. Through conscious design choices, we can transform our living spaces into sanctuaries that celebrate nature's beauty and support its delicate balance. As we continue to evolve in our understanding of the interplay between the built and natural worlds, the fusion of wildlife and architecture stands as a testament to our commitment to a sustainable, harmonious future.


Rear more here from The Wildlife Trust.



In the exclusive enclave of Alderley Edge, where luxury and natural beauty converge, a new era of architecture is thriving. Combining opulence with environmental consciousness, the town's landscape is witnessing the rise of sustainable high-end architecture.


As the demand for sustainable living grows, Alderley Edge's high-end architecture is leading the way by embracing green technologies. Solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and efficient insulation are seamlessly integrated, creating dwellings that epitomize both elegance and environmental awareness.


The synergy between sustainability and luxury in Alderley Edge showcases that prosperity need not come at the expense of the planet. As the town flourishes, its architectural landscape stands as a testament to the fact that indulgence can be sustainable.


Contact us for a free consultation



 Environmentally Concious Materials


It would be no shock to anyone that the methods we use for construction severely affect our planet in negative ways. From concrete foundations to timber in your roof, everything comes at a cost to the planet. We all must do our part to reduce our individual carbon footprint, if not for climate change, for our wildlife and our domesticated friends. 

We can change what we eat, reduce our water usage, build wildlife-enhancing gardens, and create networks for wildlife to flourish across neighbourhoods. 


As architects, we can help change your energy use, build homes and extensions with more sustainable materials and source local materials and contractors to reduce the impact of vehicles on our roads. To do this we need the assistance of our clients and colleagues.


It is easy to dismiss sustainable solutions when costs start to rise in a project, and our clients often do in favour of more square meters of space, but we must all consider the planet we leave behind and the lives we affect by our choices.

As supporters of The Wildlife Trust and National Trust, we follow guidance in our own lives and volunteer where we can help with local ranger projects. We spend time researching and enhancing our knowledge of sustainable insulation and construction methods.


Contact us to understand how we could help you reduce your carbon footprint.



Hemp-based insulation can provide numerous benefits for your next project, including excellent thermal protection, no pollutants, no mould growth, breathability, and carbon-negative properties. Join GRWN Group on our journey to decarbonise the built environment.


AVA is having a CPD (Continued professional development) meeting on the utility of Hemp-based insulation at the Congleton branch this month to better understand the possibility of it's use in your homes. 


Click here to read more


Your Home Made Perfect


We love 'Your Home Made Perfect'.


We take inspiration from the TV show regularly and we are currently investigating how they use afforable materials in an intelligent way to create high quality finishes. 


Take a look at these tips from the BBCs hit TV show here.


We are architects in Alderley Edge and Congleton, but we are all about design!


Look at this beautiful use of birch ply in the kitchen. How about replacing standard wall units with full storage hidden behind bifold doors! Much easier to put things away. 



A new Marketing Campaign



Times are tough, but AVA are a small dedicated team of four who have many unique skills. We are looking into supporting local business and provide advertising for ourselves in the process. 


We have contracted several golf clubs and local magazines to determine sponsorship costs and how we can support each other. 


Part of this new campaign sees our in house marketing team Karen & Michael creating instagram and facebook posts to help boost our reach with new clients. 


Can you share and follow our social media and help boost local business?



Google Reviews


Thank you, from the AVA team


Wilmslow, Victorian Terrace


A two bedroom period terrace style home offering ideal for access into central Wilmslow.


The two up two down terrace house is small, especially for the value of the property. However, a small home with high starting value is a nice project. As there is less cost in any construction work, skilled and detailed design can be implemented into carefully considering the small spaces to maximise potential.

We have recently recommended a Lawful Development Certificate to our clients and provided the necessary information to achieve it. Some discussion with the council was necessary, but our friendly team have built a relationship with a number of case officers over the years.


Congleton, The Modern Family Home


A throwback to a project completed in 2021.


This contemporary project had several challenges, including a 10m steel being lifted over several homes. A very nail biting moment for many, but it certainly got the street talking. 


 This project totally transformed out clients home and lives, creating a play space for their child, and an modern open plan kitchen/living/diner for the family. 


Added Value Architecture LTD



Meet the team!


Introducing Karen, Kevin Edward & Michael.


We are AVA, we work in Congleton,  Alderley Edge, Wilmslow, Biddulph, Crew, Macclesfield, Siddington, Gawsworth, Peover, Chelford, Prestbury, Northwich, Middlewich, Sandbach, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent, Leek, Knutsford and anywhere near these!


We are residential architects and contract managers. With 20+ years of experience, Karen is an expert at making your home fit for the moodern family and life.  

Comments: 4
  • #4

    unknown (Wednesday, 12 July 2023 12:46)

    A great bunch of designers over at AVA, they really helped me out by fixing my rubbish floor plan and I am happy to leave a 5* review.

  • #3

    Kim (Wednesday, 12 July 2023 12:43)

    We have just bought a house in Alderley Edge and contacted AVA from a Google search; we have been very impressed with the process so far and we are looking forward to moving ahead with the design-build model.

    We have been introduced to the build team and are thrilled to have an architect-trusted builder working on our project. It gives us such peace of mind as we have no experience or knowledge in the field of construction prior to starting talks with AVA.

  • #2

    Mike@AVA (Wednesday, 12 July 2023 12:39)

    Hi all,
    If you have any direct questions please contact us at team@ava-ltd.com.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

  • #1

    Lucy (Wednesday, 12 July 2023)

    This is fantastic! It's great to see a glimpse into what is happening behind the scenes. Karen and the team have been fantastic from start to finish, I highly recommend!