Environmental Design Solutions

Environmental design for architects is a multifaceted approach that integrates sustainability, functionality, and aesthetics in creating spaces that harmonize with their surroundings. It encompasses a spectrum of considerations, from minimizing environmental impact to enhancing user experience and well-being.


Architects employing environmental design principles prioritize resource efficiency by harnessing renewable materials, optimizing energy use, and reducing waste. They delve into passive design strategies, such as orientation, natural ventilation, and daylighting, to maximize comfort while minimizing reliance on mechanical systems. This approach not only reduces the carbon footprint but also fosters spaces that feel connected to nature, enhancing occupants' quality of life.


Moreover, these architects are mindful of the lifecycle impact of their designs, ensuring longevity and adaptability. They often integrate green spaces, promote biodiversity, and consider the broader ecological context in their projects, aiming to create a symbiotic relationship between built environments and nature.


Collaboration with experts in various disciplines, such as landscape architects, engineers, and environmental consultants, is key in the process. By leveraging advanced technologies, simulations, and data-driven insights, architects can optimize their designs for maximum environmental benefit without compromising functionality or aesthetics.



Ultimately, environmental design in architecture seeks to achieve a delicate balance between human needs, environmental preservation, and architectural innovation. It aspires to create spaces that not only serve their immediate purpose but also contribute positively to the environment and the well-being of present and future generations.

Sun diagrams

Sun diagrams, also known as sun path diagrams or sun charts, are visual representations that illustrate the path of the sun across the sky at different times of the day or year. These diagrams are crucial tools for architects, urban planners, and designers to understand and analyse how sunlight interacts with a specific location or site.

Landscape design

Landscape design for the environment involves creating outdoor spaces that prioritize sustainability, biodiversity, and ecosystem health. It integrates native plants, water conservation, and responsible land use to foster resilient, beautiful environments that support local ecology and mitigate environmental impacts. We use hedges, fencing etc to stop prevailing winds and reduce heat loss in homes. 

Types of natural light

Natural light harvesting in homes involves strategic design, utilizing optimal orientation, reflective surfaces, skylights, and smart controls to maximize sunlight, reduce energy consumption, and create inviting, eco-friendly living spaces. South facing is generally good for windows but our software helps us identify East and West potential.

Window sizes

Our software helps us with the amount of glazing that is too much/too little. Too much would allow heal loss in cold weather and too little would not provide enough natural heating. 

Skylight positions

Skylights play a vital role by assisting us in determining the optimal amount of glazing, preventing excessive heat loss in colder climates while ensuring sufficient natural heating, avoiding both over-glazing and under-glazing scenarios.

Location of  seating

Strategically situating seating and other elements around a house optimizes their use, considering environmental impacts. This placement accounts for natural light, views, prevailing winds, and shade, enhancing comfort while minimizing energy consumption and maximizing the benefits of the surrounding environment.